The Heart Nebula, NGC 896/IC 1805, is something I’ve wanted to capture for a long time. The problem is, it and its neighbor the Soul Nebula are generally quite large. I’ve gotten more comfortable both shooting automated mosaics with N.I.N.A. and processing the resulting panels into final images.
- Panels
- 6
- Frames
- 360
- Time
- 6h
- Gain
- 56
- Offset
- 25
- Telescope
- Astro-Tech AT115EDT 115mm f/7 ED Triplet Refractor w/ 0.8x Reducer/Flattener
- Mount
- Losmandy GM-8 German Equatorial Mount, Gemini 2, Losmandy FLW Tripod
- Camera
- QHY 268C
- Guider
- Filters
- Optolong UV / IR Cut Filter
- Accessories
- ZWO EAF Electronic Automatic Focuser, iOptron iPolar
- Software
- N.I.N.A., PHD2 Guiding, SkySafari Pro, AstroPixelProcessor, Capture One
So, this is the Heart Nebula, a six panel mosaic. This will be part of a larger mosaic I’m capturing with the Soul Nebula next door.